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The Great Goose Rap

The king requested Dhritarashtra and would not be deterred!
For he longed to meet this most spectacular bird.

Bodhisattva was reborn as Dhritarashtra, king of geese,
he spread the wondrous Dharma, his teachings would not cease,
for everyone’s good karma he worked hard to increase, bringing
harmony and love to all with incredible peace.

The king requested Dhritarashtra and would not be deterred!
For he longed to meet this most spectacular bird.

Accompanied by Sumukha, his chief and faithful general,
Sumukha was intelligent, loyal and amenable.
Highly worthy of praise, they both being venerable, to-
gether taught how life is fleeting and ephemeral.

The king requested Dhritarashtra and would not be deterred!
For he longed to meet this most spectacular bird.

Varanasi’s King Brahmadatta of these two birds had heard,
his wonderment grew more and more, as his desire it stirred.
He summoned all his ministers and to them he deFerred.
The ministers hatched a plan and ‘til deep in the night conFerred.

The king requested Dhritarashtra and would not be deterred!
For he longed to meet this most spectacular bird.


Dhritarashtra, the king of geese – bringing harmony and peace.
Harmony and peace.


Text:  Greg Suffanti
Editing & vocals: Henry Muldrow
Music: Yellow Tunes
Recording: Bart de Groot
Amsterdam 18 May 2021

Commissioned by Quest For Wisdom Foundation for the Animal Wisdom Program

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