Sieth Delhaas
I saw her when
she was already there
taller than expected
calm as if she
belonged by my side
and with elegant gait.
I immediately began to speak
she neither looked up nor back
Had I tuned into her rhythm
or she to mine?
The forest breathed autumnal
not a leaf moved
and no one around us
to see that wondrous pair.
Then …, lightly her muzzle bends to the right
the rest follows quietly in strides.
And me?
I talked for a while longer
and went straight on
until she was gone
out of sight …
only then my speaking ceased
and my slow sigh
lasted longer than it pleased.
It was true what
I had read in the newspaper.
The poem is about a wolf in Rheden. I had just read, when you encounter a wolf you should just go on walking and start talking out loud. Not to the wolf, but just in space.