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Goal, Mission and Vision QfWf

The Quest for wisdom foundation (QfWf) aims to stimulate the intercultural art of living.

In doing so, the QfWf wants to contribute to a cosmopolitan culture of openness, inclusion and cultural diversity. To develop Global Citizenship we explore as QfWf-Soul Circle the intercultural art of living by tapping into one’s own and shared historical inter-cultural roots — in this way Animal Wisdom has been developed, as the storytelling genre of fables is to be found in wisdom traditions worldwide.

The QfWf is a non-profit organization and has cultural ANBI status.

Its mission and vision is visualized by the Wheel of the Intercultural Art of Living.
This Wheel was designed for the development of the intercultural Game for Wisdom for collecting and orderning wisdom stories and symbolism worldwide.

The QfWf as Quest

In order to achieve its mission, the QfWf had formulated its objectives as three Quests for wisdom:

  • Quest 1 — the Wisdomweb collects and elaborates wisdom from all over the world as a digital spider web and platform for exchange.
  • Quest 2 — the Golden ratio develops wisdom from all over the world into educative materials, such as (digital) forms of play and dialogue, e-books and storytelling.
  • Quest 3 — meet and intercultural encounters by organizing the annual QfWf-Meeting Day, workshops and masterclasses; and capturing it on the QfWf video channel.

From 2024 the three Quests flow together as one quest on DeGuldenSnede around a yearly theme that is explored with the QfWf-Soul Circle around aspects of Global Citizenship

Animal Wisdom Program

The intercultural storytelling program Animal Wisdom is part of the Golden Ratio.

The services and products offered on this website contribute to inclusion and cultural diversity for life in the cosmopolis; with artistic materials, e-books, teaching materials aimed for global citizenship, animations, art dialogues and game forms.

Update 2025-03
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